Overcome Your Dog’s Stress, Overstimulation and Arousal With This FREE 5-Day Detox!

Transform Your Dog in 5 Days with the Stress Detox

  • Is your dog always on edge, unable to find calm?

  • Do they struggle to relax, self-regulate, or react negatively to everyday situations?

  • Does it feel like you’re constantly losing the battle against stress and overwhelm?

  • Are you exhausted and frustrated from managing an overstimulated, high-arousal dog day after day?

It’s time to break the cycle of stress and frustration with this FREE 5-day Stress Detox!

Let me guide you to eliminate triggers and stressful activities, focus on meeting your dog’s needs, achieve deep sleep for ultimate stress reduction and also to rebuild that bond and relationship!!

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Hello, I found Junior’s website accidentally when I was looking up for how to deal with overreacting, constantly pulling and barking dog. I was so desperate. When I read that these are signs of overstimulation I immediately knew that’s it! Some time ago my vet gave my dog a special kibble for overstimulated dogs, but he didn’t provide me with any advice, any help. Just changed his food. Yet Junior was the one who brought the idea of Detox to my life. I started it immediately and continuously for 2 weeks: the first week was a real detox: no dogs, calm and sleepy streets, no big parks; while in the 2nd week I started slowly adding dogs, dog parks and so on. It worked and still works! The Junior’s idea of Sniffari is one of the best. I used to be impatient with my super sniffing dog, but Junior helped me to realize how important is that for dogs. So, at least once a day we have a walk when my dog chooses streets – I simply follow his noise. And he is much more positively tired after that than a long physical play. And I’m really not the most patient person, yet when my dog has some “crazy” moments, I just take a deep breath. There is no reactive barking and no more pulling anymore. He even finally started reacting for the recall! I definitely can say – with no exaggeration – that Junior saved my relationship with my dog. The bond between us is much stronger now. I observe my pup more often and control his daily stimulations, since thanks to Junior I learnt my dog’s – and mine! – boundaries. I highly recommend Detox (and Sniffari) to any dog: like we, humans, need some “me time”, going to spa, take a break from people and cities — our dogs also need to get their mental rest. Thank you Junior for all your help and being in touch with me all the time of the detoxing my paw pal. Mateus and Hermes

Mateus and Hermes

Welcome to PawsOfWisdom, where anxious tails wag, reactive hearts connect, and wisdom is shared! I’m Junior, and this is Jasper. Together, we’re on a journey to help owners of anxious and reactive dogs thrive. 🐶🐾

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