Who PawsOfWisdom Is For?

If you look hard enough there will be nuggets of information for everyone to take away from this blog, but PawsOfWisdom was written with those of us with the more difficult dogs, those dogs that have “issues”.

This doesn’t mean it isn’t for those normal pet owners, but those struggling with dogs with issues such as reactivity or anxiety may find that this blog speaks to them on a deeper level and just makes more sense.

PawsOfWisdom is Specifically Designed For You (and here’s why)

If you find yourself in any of the following categories then you will find some wisdom in PawsOfWisdom.

  • Owners of anxious and reactive dogs

This is the core audience for this blog, those of us trying to live in harmony with our anxious, reactive and more difficult dogs. Stories, tips and tricks, resources and more aimed at living more in harmony with our four legged friends.

  • Dog nerds and/or lovers

As someone with a background in dog behaviour and someone who is constantly learning, I love knowledge and I know there are people out there that are the same too. So without going too deep into topics on here I shall always strive to provide a bit more extra information for us dog nerds and more resources if you do want to find out more.

  • First time dog owners

Jasper is my first dog and that in itself is a big journey trying to figure out how to get through life. I’ll share stories, tips and tricks with what I learned and am still learning with Jasper as my first dog.

How This Blog Can Help

I want this blog as a place filled with useful content and resources to help people who feel into the categories above.

I will create content based on what I’ve learned when it comes to dogs, tips and tricks to living with anxious and reactive dogs, stories of things I’ve been through, what I’ve learned from walking dogs and pet sitting, a resource that can also provide a community for those of us struggling with issues to understand we aren’t in this alone.

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