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Banishing Pet Odours: A Quick Guide on How To Get Dog Smell Out of Carpet

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We are very lucky to have our pets but there can and will be accidents leading you to search for how to get dog smell out of carpet. When your dog has an accident it is a priority to get it cleaned quickly but also effectively to reduce spoiling the carpet, having it get spread around the house but also to stop bad odours living in your carpets.

selective focus photography of dog lying on ground

Embark on Odour-Free Living: Removing Lingering Odours

Now I love dogs as much as the next person and I say this with love but our dogs can stink can’t they? Between washes this odour can build up and get trapped in our furniture and around the house.

How many of us have lifted a blanket only to be choked by our dog’s musty scent? This doesn’t have to be the way though, there is another better way of living, a fresher way of living.

It’s actually very easy to do this and you can discover more over on my blog post how to get dog smell out of blankets and around your house. This post will give you ideas on how to eliminate odours from blankets, curtains and around your house to keep it fresh.

Anyway let’s continue on to this short guide on how to get dog smell out of carpets.

Whiff Be Gone: How To Eliminate Dog Smell From Carpet – Spot Cleaning

Firstly let’s talk about accidents and stains, areas that require a spot clean this can even include new messes.

Jasper used to toilet a lot when I went to work due to his separation anxiety and because of this I had to clean up plenty of accidents in our apartment (before we discovered crate training). These are the steps I’d use to clean up the area.

#1 – Remove Dog and Locate Mess

First thing is first you’re going to want to make sure your dog is out of the way especially if they are curious, you don’t want them to get any on themselves to avoid them dragging the mess all over the house.

Once you’ve got your dog out the way gather your supplies and locate the mess.

#2 – Put on Disposable Gloves and Remove Dry Debris

Make sure to use gloves even if it isn’t a bad accident, hygiene is super important and can prevent illnesses.

With your gloves on remove any “debris” that’s on the area so that you can clean the area.

#3 – Dry the Area if Damp

If the area is damp as well then pat the area down dry. AVOID scrubbing at this point, just a gentle dab to get out any moisture.

You can achieve this with just paper towels on the soiled area.

#4 – Apply Carpet Cleaner

If the soiling is heavy and is likely to cause a stain then you may opt to use a carpet cleaner at this point. Apply following the manufacturers instructions and then dab once again to clean up removing any moisture.

You may find that for some accidents you have to repeat this process until you have the desired outcome.

#6 – Wipe the Area With Diluted Zoflora

Before proceeding with this step check colour fastness on an inconspicuous area of the carpet to make sure it doesn’t run.

Wipe the area with a cloth soaked in diluted Zoflora, this will eliminate odours and bacteria from the area.

#7 – Allow to Dry

Pat dry as much as possible and then allow the area to dry.

Ensure proper ventilation during this process to speed up drying but to also avoid mould building up from improper drying.

#8 – Cover Area with Baking Soda and Hoover

A bonus step I recommend is going over the area with either baking soda or you can get a pet safe carpet freshener.

Let this sit and the powder absorbs the moisture left over and combats the odours.

Hoover and enjoy the freshness!!

Bonus Tips To Lock in Your Newfound Freshness

#1- Hoover Regularly

One way to keep your carpets fresh is it make sure that you hoover your carpets and dust your surfaces. Dog hair and dead skin and cells can spread around the house and cause odours.

Make sure you are hoovering at least once a week with your dog. I find myself hoovering every other day even though Jasper isn’t a major shedder but more so because we live in a smaller space and it’s more noticeable.

#2 – Wash Your Dog More Often

This is a simple fix, wash your dog and groom them regularly. This doesn’t have to be at a groomer, simple things such as brushing your dog will get rid of loose fur and dead skin.

Make sure that you also do things such as drying your dog as much as possible when they’re wet including their paws and the harder to reach areas.

Areas such as the ears can get yeast infections which can cause bad odours and even a simple thing such as your dog hygiene.

#3 – Hire a Professional/Vacuum

If you are really struggling on how to get dog smell out of carpet then you may opt into getting some professional help. You can hire professional vacuums and/or cleaners that can deep clean your carpet.

If this is a possible option I recommend this maybe once a year, potentially twice if you have a dog that is struggling with toilet training.

How To Get Dog Smell Out of Carpet: Product Recommendations

white plastic bottles on white plastic container

When it comes to cleaning your carpets and rugs, there are 3 products that I recommend….

  • Zoflora

A versatile concentrated disinfectant that can be used in a number of ways, dilute with water or used neat in and around the house.

Zoflora smells amazing, is pet friendly, eliminates both odours and bacteria, and due to its versatility – great value.

  • Pet Carpet Freshener (optional)

Yes you can opt in to use baking soda and get the same effect but I like using pet carpet freshener for the smell. I still use baking soda but opt in to use the carpet freshener afterwards for the smell.

  • Baking Soda

As mentioned baking soda is a great cleaning agent, it can neutralise lingering odours too in your carpets.

After applying baking soda hoover thoroughly to make sure there aren’t any little particles left.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will dog smell eventually go away?

If you are making the effort to clean the space regularly then yes but if you slack and don’t maintain a regularly house cleaning schedule and dog groom schedule then smells will continue to linger.

Does vinegar get rid of pet odor in carpet?

Vinegar just like baking soda is a great and effective cleaning agent.

The only issue I found is that some dogs can find the scent a bit too strong and irritable especially if it’s been used in their resting areas.

My house smells like dog no matter how much I clean

If you find yourself with lingering smells then make sure that you have fully cleaned up all the moisture and that you haven’t missed out any hidden accidents that could be causing horrible smells.

Final Thoughts

I hope this short guide on how to get dog smell out of carpet is of some use and can help you keep your floor fresh and accident free. You can also find more information on how to keep your home fresh over at my blog post how to get dog smell out of blankets.

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