PawsOfWisdom – My Top 5 Resources

I want this place to be somewhere where I can share any resources I’ve found super interesting and helpful and I also want this space to be somewhere others can too.

This list won’t just be limited to blogs and neither will the larger “mass list”, instead expect blogs but also podcasts and YouTube channels. There are so many resources available on so many platforms in this day and age, regardless of the kind of person you are and what time and other priorities or commitments you have, there are is a way for anyone to consume content. This is why I love podcasts so much, because I can listen to these while walking Jasper or the dogs and when I’m on the move.

My Top 5 Resources and Who They’ll Benefit

Below are 5 of my top resources especially for owners of anxious dogs but I have also listed who I think each would be great for.

  • Canine Paradigm – Podcast

I have been listening to these guys for years consistently, I even signed up for the patreon for a while. Glen and Pat are a pleasure to listen to on a wide variety of topics within the dog industry.

I recommend this for any dog owners and lovers to be honest, regardless of your dog and behaviour. There are some great topics in there and for those that want to get nerdy…you can get your fill there too.

Some of my favourite recent episodes…

Episode 274: What is prey locking in dog behaviour
Episode 266: Pressure motivates release educates
Episode 258: Leash pressure and better language part 1
Episode 249: Ambitions and capabilities
Episode 229: Be a monster

  • Paws and Reflect – Blog / Instagram

This blog was a godsend to me when I was starting out on my reactivity journey with Jasper. At that time no one really put themselves and the raw training process out there, it was always just the success.

But this blog takes you through everything and it’s grown to be a place of hope, community and knowledge. They also have a beautiful Instagram that has so many pictures that make you realise you aren’t alone. They also have a podcast (which is actually news to me) so I’ll also be checking that out but I’ve linked all three ways to access content below.

The story is absolutely beautiful and so inspiring for those of us who are living with reactive dogs.

  • Excel-erated learning – Book

This one is more for the dog nerds or those of us who just want to know how things work. This book is a great resource on his dogs learn, it’s not a major read but it does have a lot of information on how dogs learn and how best to teach them.

Along with what I’ve learned this is one of the best resources in my opinion that breaks things down for those of us who want to learn more into this topic.

  • Bones would rain from the sky – Book

THIS BOOK IS BEAUTIFUL! This book changed the way I looked at dogs, it’s gives a different perspective to our canine companions.

This is a read for everyone! I also think it would highly benefit those of us who struggle with our dogs. Sometimes all you need is a shift in perspective to change everything.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change <3

  • Calm Canine Academy – YouTube / Instagram

This is one I’ve found recently but I’ve found this to be a goldmine of knowledgeable.

I highly recommend this for anyone with anxious dogs, it mainly revolves around giving in-depth knowledge on how best we can help out anxious guardians and how best to understand and calm them.

I haven’t been through too much of it yet but there is a lot of content on there and there is also an Instagram for those that prefer the information in smaller bites.

Hopefully you all find some use of this list which I’ll try keeping updated but I shall be creating a mass list with more resources at some point too.

Happy reading!!

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